Resilience: How to Deal with Adversity

How do you deal with setbacks?


When you have resilience, you have the ability to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties, such as an illness, change of employment status, natural disaster, or a death. If you have resilience, you would face these challenges by harnessing your inner strengths to help you rebound from a setback, while you who have a hard time tolerating negative events you may feel overwhelmed, dwell on problems, increased irritability and mood swings, or low energy levels. Resilience will not make your  problems go away, but it can give you the ability to see past them and find enjoyment in life. Resilience can be a developed ability, by learning certain skills you can  become more resilient.


When stress, adversity, or trauma comes your way, you experience anger, sadness, grief, and pain, but through resilience you are able to keep functioning, both physically and psychologically. Some people believe that resilience is not about putting up with something difficult or unfair, or figuring it out on your own, but being able to reach out to others for support is an essential  part of being resilient.


Tips to improve your resilience include:

-       Getting connected: Building strong,  positive relationships with loved ones and friends can provide you with needed support, guidance, and acceptance in good and bad times

-       Make every day meaningful: Do something that gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose everyday

-       Learn from experience: Think about how you have coped with difficult experiences in the past and consider those skills and strategies that helped you through tough times

-       Take care of yourself: Tend to your own needs and feelings. Participate in activities  and hobbies that you enjoy

-       Be proactive: Don’t ignore your problems. Instead figure out what needs to be done for you

Stacy Sheridan